NTMA to auction three different bonds this week
The National Treasury Management Agency said today it plans to raise between €1-1.5 billion through the sale of seven, ten and 30-year debt on Thursday. The NTMA has raised €18.5 billion from bond issuance so far this year from a €20-24 billion funding range. Its target was increased earlier this year to shore up government […]
Read MoreNTMA to auction three different bonds this week
The National Treasury Management Agency said today it plans to raise between €1-1.5 billion through the sale of seven, ten and 30-year debt on Thursday. The NTMA has raised €18.5 billion from bond issuance so far this year from a €20-24 billion funding range. Its target was increased earlier this year to shore up government […]
Read MoreNTMA due to hold two bond auctions in third quarter
The National Treasury Manangement Agency said today it plans to hold two bond auctions in the third quarter of this year. The NTMA said it will hold bond auctions on July 9 and September 10. The agency is also planning three Treasury Bill sales and these are pencilled in for July 16, August 20 and […]
Read MoreNTMA due to hold two bond auctions in third quarter
The National Treasury Manangement Agency said today it plans to hold two bond auctions in the third quarter of this year. The NTMA said it will hold bond auctions on July 9 and September 10. The agency is also planning three Treasury Bill sales and these are pencilled in for July 16, August 20 and […]
Read MoreNTMA chief warns on longer term borrowing
The head of the National Treasury Management Agency said he is not worried about the next four years from a borrowing perspective but that the state needs to prepare for the decade after that due to an increase in already high debt levels. “While addressing Covid-19 is today’s urgent priority, Ireland should prepare for dealing […]
Read MoreNTMA raises €6 billion from 10-year syndicate
The National Treasury Management Agency raised €6 billion in a sale of a 10 year bond today. The funds were raised at a yield of 0.285% following strong demand from investors. The issue drew almost €70 billion of demand, more than twice the previous record for an Irish sovereign bond. The sale saw the NTMA […]
Read MoreNTMA sells €750m of Irish Treasury Bills at negative interest rate
The National Treasury Management Agency today held an auction of Irish Treasury Bills and sold the target amount of €750m. The NTMA said that total bids received amounted to €3.71 billion which was nearly five times the amount on offer. The Treasury Bills, which have a maturity of five months, were sold at […]
Read MoreNTMA sells €750m of Irish Treasury Bills at negative interest rate
The National Treasury Management Agency today held an auction of Irish Treasury Bills and sold the target amount of €750m. The NTMA said that total bids received amounted to €3.71 billion which was nearly five times the amount on offer. The Treasury Bills, which have a maturity of five months, were sold at […]
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