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14.1% of Irish households have income above €100,000 – CSO

14.1% of Irish households have income above €100,000 – CSO

New figures from the Central Statistics Office show that median gross income for households stood at €45,256 in 2016.

The incomes ranged from a low of €32,259 in Donegal and €34,800 in Leitrim to a high of €66,203 in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown and €58,795 in Fingal.

Meanwhile, households in Malahide had the highest median income of €78,631 of all 41 towns in Ireland with a population of 10,000 or over.

Celbridge had the second highest at €64,877 while Maynooth was third at €64,529.

The towns with the lowest medians were Longford at €29,224, Enniscorthy at €31,049 and Ballina with €32,779.

The CSO said its figures show that 62.6% of Irish households had a gross income of less than €60,000 in 2016, while only 14.1% had an income above €100,000.

The CSO noted that in 26.6% of households, social welfare payments made up more than half of the income.

Social welfare payments to people of working age made up more than half of the income in 13.7% of households while the state pension formed the majority of income in 12.9% of households.

Today’s CSO report also found that household incomes are impacted by factors such as gender, general health, education and the place and type of work undertaken.

Included in the findings from the CSO’s Geographical Profiles of Income in Ireland figures is the fact that the highest median earned income in 2016 was for the ICT, Scientific & Recreation sectors at €37,037.

The CSO also noted that about four euro in every ten earned by residents of Sligo, Leitrim and Donegal came from the Public Service, Education and Health sector.

It also found that households who were owner occupiers with a mortgage had the highest median income at €68,149 in 2016.

Households renting from a local authority had the lowest median income at €25,202, compared to households renting from a private landlord, who had a median income of €41,695.

And owner occupiers, where the house is owned outright, had a median income of €37,733. Most pensioners fall into this category, the CSO said.

Meanwhile, average rents made up more than 33% of household disposable income for tenants in South Dublin, the highest proportion in the country.

The lowest was 21.1% in Longford and compares to the state average of 29.

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