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Job vacancies for professionals jump 9pc in ‘record month’

The number of professional job vacancies in Ireland rose by 9pc month-on-month in October, in what was a record month in terms of jobs announcements, a new study has found.

However, the number of professional job vacancies dropped by 2pc in October compared to the same month in 2016, according to the Morgan McKinley Ireland Monthly Employment Monitor.
As well as professional jobs being created, there was a 10pc increase in the number of professionals seeking jobs last month compared with the same period last year – a further indication of the positive sentiment in the market.

“October was a record month in terms of jobs announcements with a healthy variety of career opportunities on offer across financial services, pharmaceutical, science, biotech, supply chain management and operations,” said Morgan McKinley Ireland director of inward investment Trayc Keevans.
The report found Ireland to be at the forefront of an evolution where technology is converged with multiple economic and industrial sectors.

As a result of this, new opportunities are being created for professionals working in the area of information communication technology, as well as digital professionals across the economy.
As well as foreign direct investment from US multinationals, Morgan McKinley said that there has been an increasing inflow of European-based companies considering Ireland as a place to invest.

In addition, the report found that there has been an increase in the number of Canadian companies looking to Ireland following the implementation of the CETA trade agreement between Canada and the EU.
According to the report, Canadian companies are interested in a number of sectors including pharma, food, energy, and ecommerce.

“There are a lot of synergies between Ireland and Canada in terms of our common law structure, employment law, language skills and dual recognition of qualifications so we would expect to see a lot more activity as a result in the coming months and years,” Ms Keevans said.

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