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Young drivers warned of risks of being ‘untruthful’ to insurers

Large numbers of young drivers have been accused of being untruthful to their insurers. According to a new study, motorists are not being open about who is the primary driver of the car or about their profession.

The survey commissioned by Liberty Insurance also found eight out of 10 drivers of all ages believe that a claims culture exists in this country.

Liberty said that being untruthful about the primary driver, your profession, annual mileage or penalty points when applying for insurance constitutes fraud.

If detected, it may prevent an individual from securing insurance cover in the future or could invalidate a claim, the insurance company warned.

The research shows drivers between the ages of 17 and 29 have a more liberal interpretation of insurance fraud than their insurers.

The survey, which was conducted by Red C Research, found that 56pc of young drivers agreed that being untruthful about their job description was a “mild” fraud, with many not considering it to be fraud at all.

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